SOME/IP鎶ユ枃鏍煎紡-Return Code

Return Code [8 Bit] The Return Code is used to signal whether a request was successfully been processed. For simpli铿乧ation of the header layout, every message transports the 铿乪ld Return Code. Return Code鐢ㄤ簬琛ㄧずrequest鏄惁宸叉垚鍔熷鐞嗐€ 涓轰簡绠€鍖杊eader甯冨眬锛屾瘡鏉℃秷鎭兘浼犺緭Return浠g爜銆 Messages of Type REQUEST, REQUEST_NO_RETURN, and Noti铿乧ation have to set the Return Code to 0x00 (E_OK). The allowed Return Codes for … Continue reading SOME/IP鎶ユ枃鏍煎紡-Return Code

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