SOME/IP-SD-Main Phase for Client Services

If the Service Discovery Module receives an OfferService Entry, the following step(s) shall be performed in the following order: 濡傛灉鏈嶅姟鍙戠幇妯″潡鏀跺埌OfferService entry锛屽垯搴旀寜浠ヤ笅椤哄簭鎵ц浠ヤ笅姝ラ锛 If received TTL is not equal to the max value, update the timer by the received TTL value. 濡傛灉鏀跺埌鐨凾TL涓嶇瓑浜庢渶澶у€硷紝鍒欐寜鎺ユ敹鐨凾TL鍊兼洿鏂板畾鏃跺櫒銆 Open TCP connection if SdClientServiceTcpRef is configured and was not opened before. 濡傛灉閰嶇疆浜哠dClientServiceTcpRef骞朵笖涔嬪墠鏈墦寮€锛屽垯鎵撳紑TCP杩炴帴銆 Note娉ㄦ剰锛 The … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-Main Phase for Client Services

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