SOME/IP-SD-Repetition Phase for Client Services

When the Repetition Phase is entered, the Service Discovery Module shall start the timer SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsBaseDelay 鈱?)褰撹繘鍏epetition闃舵鍚庯紝鏈嶅姟鍙戠幇妯″潡搴斿惎鍔ㄨ鏃跺櫒SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsBaseDelay When the timer SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsBaseDelay expires within the Repetition Phase, a FindOffer Message shall be sent. 鈱?) 褰撹鏃跺櫒SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsBaseDelay鍦ㄩ噸澶嶉樁娈靛埌鏈熸椂锛屽簲鍙戦€丗indOffer娑堟伅銆 In the Repetition Phase up to SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsMax FindServer entries shall be sent with doubling intervals (BaseDelay, first FindService Entry, 2x BaseDelay, second … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-Repetition Phase for Client Services

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