SOME/IP鎶ユ枃鏍煎紡-Message Type

SOME/IP鎶ユ枃鏍煎紡-Message Type Message Type [8 Bit] The Message Type 铿乪ld is used to differentiate different types of messages and shall contain the following values锛 Message Type鐢ㄦ潵鍖哄埆涓嶅悓绫诲瀷鐨刴essage锛屼笖搴斿綋鍖呭惈濡備笅鐨勫€硷細 Number Value Description 0x00 REQUEST A request expecting a response (even void) 0x01 REQUEST_NO_RETURN A 铿乺e&forget request 0x02 NOTIFICATION A request of a noti铿乧ation/event callback expecting no response 0x40 … Continue reading SOME/IP鎶ユ枃鏍煎紡-Message Type

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