SOME/IP-SD-Handling missing, redundant, and conflicting Options

Handling missing, redundant, and conflictinHandling missing, redundant, and conflicting Options澶勭悊缂哄け锛屽啑浣欏拰鍐茬獊鐨勯€夐」 error handling concerning options referenced by entries.鏈夊叧鏉$洰寮曠敤鐨勯€夐」鐨勯敊璇鐞嗐€ If an entry references an unknown option, this option shall be ignored. 濡傛灉涓€涓猠ntry寮曠敤浜嗕竴涓湭鐭ption锛屽垯璇ption灏嗚蹇界暐銆 If an entry references an redundant option (option that is not needed by this specific entry), this option shall be ignored. 濡傛灉entry寮曠敤鍐椾綑option锛堟鐗瑰畾鏉$洰涓嶉渶瑕佺殑option锛夛紝鍒欏簲蹇界暐姝ption銆 If an entry … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-Handling missing, redundant, and conflicting Options

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