SOME/IP-SD-IPv4/IPv6 SD Endpoint Option

IPv4/IPv6 SD Endpoint Option The IPv4 SD Endpoint Option and IPv6 SD Endpoint Option transport the endpoint (i.e. IP-Address and Port) of the senders SD implementation. This is used to identify the SOME/IP-SD Instance in cases in which the IP-Address and/or Port Number cannot be used. IPv4 SD Endpoint Option鍜孖Pv6 SD Endpoint Option浼犺緭鍙戦€佽€呯殑涓€涓猄D瀹炵幇涓殑Endpoint 锛堝嵆IP鍦板潃鍜岀鍙o級銆傚湪IP鍦板潃鍜?鎴栫鍙e彿涓嶈兘浣跨敤鐨勬儏鍐典笅锛屾湰Option鍙敤浜庤瘑鍒玈OME / … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-IPv4/IPv6 SD Endpoint Option

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