SOME/IP-SD-SubscribeEventgroupNack entry

Reasons for sending a SubscribeEventgroupNegativeAcknowledgment include:鍙戦€丼ubscribeEventgroupNegativeAcknowledgement鐨勫師鍥犲寘鎷細 Combination of Service ID, Instance ID, Eventgroup ID, and Major Version is unknown鏈嶅姟ID锛屽疄渚婭D锛屼簨浠剁粍ID鍜屼富瑕佺増鏈殑缁勫悎鏈煡 Required TCP-connection was not opened by client 蹇呴渶鐨凾CP杩炴帴鏈敱瀹㈡埛绔墦 Problems with the references options occurred (wrong values, missing endpoint, or conflicting endpoints) 鍙戠敓寮曠敤閫夐」闂锛堥敊璇€硷紝缂哄皯绔偣鎴栧啿绐佺鐐癸級 Resource problems at the Server .鏈嶅姟鍣ㄧ殑璧勬簮闂銆 If a SubscribeEventgroup entry referencing two conflicting Endpoint … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-SubscribeEventgroupNack entry

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