SOME/IP-SD-StopSubscribeEventgroup entry

StopSubscribeEventgroup entry StopSubscribeEventgroup entries shall set the entry fields exactly like the SubscribeEventgroup entry they are stopping, except the TTL field. StopSubscribeEventgroup鏉$洰搴斾笌鍏舵鍦ㄥ仠姝㈢殑SubscribeEventgroup entry鐨勮缃竴鏍凤紝TTL闄ゅ銆 The TTL shall be set to 0x000000. TTL搴旇缃负0x000000銆 A Stop Subscribe Eventgroup Entry shall reference the same options the Subscribe Eventgroup Entry referenced. This includes but is not limited to Endpoint and … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-StopSubscribeEventgroup entry

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