SOME/IP-SD-SubscribeEventgroupAck Entry

SubscribeEventgroupAck entry To acknowledge a SubscribeEventgroup entry, the SubscribeEventgroupAck entry shall be used and shall be used with the values as in the SubscribeEventgroup entry it answers. 瑕佺‘璁ubscribeEventgroup entry锛屽簲浣跨敤SubscribeEventgroupAck entry锛屽苟搴斾笌鍏跺洖澶嶇殑SubscribeEventgroup entry涓殑鍊间竴鑷淬€ Service ID, Instance ID, Major Version, Eventgroup ID, TTL, Counter, and Reserved shall be the same value as in the Subscribe that is being … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-SubscribeEventgroupAck Entry

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