SOME/IP-SD-SubscribeEventgroup entry

The Counter field in the Type 2 Entry format is used to differentiate different Subscribe Eventgroups to otherwise identical Eventgroups (i.e. same Service ID, same Instance ID, same Eventgroup ID, and same Major Version). The Counter field shall be reflected by the Server to the Subscribe Eventgroup Ack and Nack entries. 绫诲瀷2 Entry鏍煎紡涓殑Counter瀛楁鐢ㄤ簬灏哠ubscribe Eventgroup鍜屽叾浠栫浉鍚岀殑Eventgroup杩涜鍖哄垎锛堝嵆鐩稿悓鐨 Service … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-SubscribeEventgroup entry

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