SOME/IP-SD- OfferService entry

OfferService entry Service ID shall be set to the Service ID of the Service Instance offered. 鏈嶅姟ID搴旇缃负鎵€鎻愪緵鏈嶅姟瀹炰緥鐨勬湇鍔D銆 Instance ID shall be set to the Instance ID of the Service Instance offered.瀹炰緥ID搴旇缃负鎻愪緵鐨勬湇鍔″疄渚嬬殑瀹炰緥ID銆 Example绀轰緥锛 ECU1 offers Service 0x1234 with Instance 0xabcd. This instance is in Main Phase. ECU2 send out find with Service ID 0x1234 and Instance … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD- OfferService entry

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