SOME/IP-SD- Service Discovery Entry Types

ECUs shall distribute available Service Instances and Service Instances needed as well as the Eventgroups of these Service Instances. For this purpose, they exchange entries using Service Discovery messages. This chapter describes how these entries are encoded to offer and find services as well as find and subscribe Eventgroups.ECU搴斿垎鍙戝凡鏈夌殑鐨凷ervice Instances鍜屾墍闇€鐨凷ervice Instances浠ュ強鍖呭惈杩欎簺Service Instances鐨凟ventgroup銆 涓烘锛屼粬浠娇鐢⊿ervice Discovery娑堟伅鏉ヤ氦鎹ntry銆 鏈珷浠嬬粛濡備綍瀵硅繖浜涙潯鐩繘琛岀紪鐮佷互offer鍜宖ind鏈嶅姟浠ュ強find鍜宻ubscribe … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD- Service Discovery Entry Types

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