SOME/IP鎶ユ枃鏍煎紡-Message ID

SOME/IP鎶ユ枃-Message ID Message ID [32 Bit] The Message ID is a 32 Bit identi铿乪r that is used to dispatch the RPC call to a method of an application and to identify an event. The Message ID has to uniquely identify a method or event of a service. Message  ID鏄竴涓?2浣嶆爣璇嗙锛岀敤浜庡皢RPC璋冪敤鍒嗘淳缁欏簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忕殑method骞惰瘑鍒玡vent 銆 Message  ID蹇呴』鑳藉敮涓€鏍囪瘑service鐨刴ethod鎴杄vent銆 The assignment of … Continue reading SOME/IP鎶ユ枃鏍煎紡-Message ID

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