SOME/IP-SD- Entries Array

Entries Array When SOME/IP-SD find or offers Service Instances or handles subscriptions this is done by so called entries, which are transported in the entry array of the SOME/IP-SD message.褰揝OME / IP-SD瀵绘壘鎴栨彁渚涙湇鍔″疄渚嬫垨澶勭悊璁㈤槄鏃讹紝杩欑敱鎵€璋撶殑entry瀹屾垚锛宔ntry鍦⊿OME / IP-SD 鎶ユ枃鐨別ntry鏁扮粍涓紶杈撱€ Length of Entries Array The length of the first field of the Entries Array shall be 32 bits. Entries Array鐨勭涓€涓瓧娈电殑闀垮害搴斾负32浣嶃€ … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD- Entries Array

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