SOME/IP-SD- Reserved

Reserved field [24 Bit] The length of the Reserved field shall be 24 bits. 淇濈暀瀛楁鐨勯暱搴﹀簲涓?4浣嶃€ This Reserved field is not currently used and left empty for further enhancements of the SOME/IP-SD protocol. 姝や繚鐣欏瓧娈靛綋鍓嶆湭琚娇鐢ㄥ苟鐣欑┖浠ヨ繘涓€姝ュ寮篠OME / IP-SD鍗忚銆 All bits of the Reserved field shall be statically set to 0 binary. 淇濈暀瀛楁鐨勬墍鏈変綅搴旈潤鎬佽缃负0銆侟/p>

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