Flags [8 Bit] The length of the Flags field shall be 8 bits. Flag瀛楁鐨勯暱搴﹀簲涓?浣嶃€ With the Flags field the SOME/IP-SD header starts. It is used to signal global Service Discovery information, which includes currently the state of the last reboot as well as the capability of receiving unicast messages. SOME / IP-SD Header寮€濮嬩究鏄疐lags瀛楁銆傚畠鐢ㄤ簬鏍囪瘑鍏ㄥ眬Service Discovery淇℃伅锛屽叾涓寘鎷綋鍓嶆渶鍚庝竴娆¢噸鏂板惎鍔ㄧ殑鐘舵€佷互鍙婃帴鏀跺崟鎾秷鎭殑鑳藉姏銆 Undefined … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD- Flags

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