SOME/IP-SD- Protocol Version and Interface Version

Protocol Version [8 Bit] The length of the Protocol Version field shall be 8 bits. 鍗忚鐗堟湰瀛楁鐨勯暱搴﹀簲涓?浣嶃€ The Protocol Version field is used to describe the current version of SOME/IP. 鍗忚鐗堟湰瀛楁鐢ㄤ簬鎻忚堪SOME / IP鐨勫綋鍓嶇増鏈€ The value for the Protocol Version field shall be statically set to 0x01. 鍗忚鐗堟湰瀛楁鐨勫€煎簲闈欐€佽缃负0x01 Interface Version [8 Bit] The length of the Interface … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD- Protocol Version and Interface Version

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