SOME/IP-Error Processing Overview

Error Processing Overview閿欒澶勭悊涓€瑙 The error handling of SOME/IP is shown as an example flow chart in Figure 6.8. This does not include the application based error handling but just covers the error handling in messaging and RPC.SOME / IP鐨勯敊璇鐞嗗鍙冲浘鎵€绀虹殑绀轰緥娴佺▼鍥炬墍绀恒€ 杩欎笉鍖呮嫭鍩轰簬搴旂敤绋嬪簭鐨勯敊璇鐞嗭紝鑰屽彧鍖呮嫭娑堟伅浼犻€掑拰RPC涓殑閿欒澶勭悊銆 Error handling shall be based on the message type received (e.g. only methods can be … Continue reading SOME/IP-Error Processing Overview

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