
SOME/IP鐨勪紶杈撳眰鍗忚 SOME/IP shall be transported using UDP and TCP based on the con铿乬uration. When used in a vehicle the ports used shall be speci铿乪d in the Interface Speci铿乧ation. 鏍规嵁閰嶇疆浣跨敤UDP鍜孴CP浼犺緭SOME/IP銆 鍦ㄨ溅杈嗕腑浣跨敤鏃讹紝鎵€浣跨敤鐨勭鍙e簲鍦↖nterface Speci铿乧ation涓寚瀹氥€ If an ECU needs to dynamically use a port number, it shall follow the rules of IETF and IANA for that: 濡傛灉ECU闇€瑕佸姩鎬佷娇鐢ㄧ鍙e彿锛屽垯瀹冨簲閬靛惊IETF鍜孖ANA鐨勮鍒欙細 Ephemeral ports from … Continue reading SOME/IP鍗忚鐨勪紶杈撳眰鍗忚

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