SOME/IP-SD-Publish/Subscribe Handling

Publish/Subscribe Handling In contrast to the SOME/IP request/response mechanism there may are cases in which a client requires a set of parameters from a server, but does not want to request that information each time it is required. These are called notifications and concern events and fields. 涓嶴OME / IP璇锋眰/鍝嶅簲鏈哄埗涓嶅悓锛屽彲鑳藉瓨鍦ㄥ鎴风闇€瑕佹潵鑷湇鍔″櫒鐨勪竴缁勫弬鏁颁絾涓嶅笇鏈涙瘡娆¢渶瑕佹椂璇锋眰璇ヤ俊鎭殑鎯呭喌銆 杩欎簺琚О涓簄otification鍜宔vent鍜宖ield銆 All clients needing events … Continue reading SOME/IP-SD-Publish/Subscribe Handling

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