SOME/IP RPC protocol-Notification Event

Notification Events 閫氱煡浜嬩欢 Notifications describe a general Publish/Subscribe-Concept. Usually the server publishes a service to which a client subscribes. On certain events the server will send the client a event, which could be for example an updated value or an event that occurred. Notification鎻忚堪浜嗕竴鑸殑鍙戝竷/璁㈤槄姒傚康銆傞€氬父锛屾湇鍔″櫒绔彂甯冩湇鍔¤€屽鎴风鍓嶆潵璁㈤槄銆傚湪鏌愪簺浜嬩欢涓婏紝鏈嶅姟鍣ㄧ鍚戝鎴风鍙戦€乪vent锛岃event鍙互鏄緥濡傛洿鏂扮殑鍊 鎴栬€呭彂鐢熺殑浜嬩欢銆 SOME/IP is used only for transporting the updated value and … Continue reading SOME/IP RPC protocol-Notification Event

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