SOME/IP RPC protocol-Multiple Service-Instances

Multiple Service-Instances澶氫釜鏈嶅姟瀹炰緥 Service-Instances of the same Service are identified through different Instance IDs. It shall be supported that multiple Service-Instances reside on different ECUs as well as multiple Service-Instances of one or more Services reside on one single ECU. 鍚屼竴鏈嶅姟鐨勫涓湇鍔″疄渚嬮€氳繃涓嶅悓鐨処nstance ID鏉ヨ瘑鍒€傚簲鏀寔澶氫釜鏈嶅姟瀹炰緥椹荤暀鍦ㄤ笉鍚岀殑ECU涓婏紝浠ュ強涓€涓垨澶氫釜鏈嶅姟鐨勫涓湇鍔″疄渚嬮┗鐣欏湪涓€涓狤CU涓娿€ While different Services shall be able to share the same port number of the … Continue reading SOME/IP RPC protocol-Multiple Service-Instances

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