SOME/IP RPC protocol-TCP Binding

The TCP binding of SOME/IP is heavily based on the UDP binding. In contrast to the UDP binding, the TCP binding allows much bigger SOME/IP messages and uses the robustness features of TCP (coping with loss, reorder, duplication, etc.).SOME / IP鐨凾CP缁戝畾寰堝ぇ绋嬪害涓婂熀浜嶶DP缁戝畾銆 涓嶶DP缁戝畾鐩告瘮锛孴CP缁戝畾鍏佽鏇村ぇ鐨凷OME / IP娑堟伅骞朵娇鐢═CP鐨勯瞾妫掓€э紙搴斿涓㈠け锛岄噸鏂版帓搴忥紝澶嶅埗绛夛級銆 Every SOME/IP payload shall have its own SOME/IP header. 姣忎釜SOME / … Continue reading SOME/IP RPC protocol-TCP Binding

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