
The basic motivation to specify 鈥測et another Client/Server and Sender/Receiver mechanism鈥 instead of using an existing infrastructure/technology is the goal to have a technology that: 瑙勮寖鈥滃彟涓€涓鎴风/鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ拰鍙戦€?鎺ュ彈鏈哄埗鈥濊€屼笉鏄娇鐢ㄧ幇鏈夊熀纭€璁炬柦/鎶€鏈殑鍩烘湰鍔ㄦ満鏄湡鏈涜兘瀹炵幇濡備笅鐩爣锛 Fulfills the hard requirements regarding resource consumption in an embedded world 婊¤冻宓屽叆寮忛鍩熶腑鏈夊叧璧勬簮娑堣€楃殑纭€ц姹 Is compatible through as many use-cases and communication partners as possible 聽 涓庡敖鍙兘澶氱殑鐢ㄤ緥鍜岄€氫俊浼欎即鍏煎 compatible with AUTOSAR at … Continue reading 涓轰粈涔堥渶瑕丼OME/IP鍗忚

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