B·2234澳门新葡萄娱乐场-ios/安卓/手机版app下载 /product-detail/cca9002_9003/ Thu, 28 Feb 2019 12:29:45 +0000 http://rt180725.wpvit.com/product-detail/1000base-t1-mediaconverter-emc-copy/ Description鎻忚堪 Up to 6.4 Gbit/s recording speed. 楂樿揪6.4 Gbit/s鐨勫綍鍒堕€熷害銆 Removable data storages with up to 16 TB gross storage capacity. 鍙媶鍗告暟鎹瓨鍌紝鎬诲瓨鍌ㄥ閲忛珮杈?6 TB銆 Continuous or triggered recording of camera, radar and laser raw data as well as data of all automotive standard buses. Seamless and uncompressed. Special situations can be marked with markers during data recording. 杩炵画鎴栬Е鍙戣褰曟憚鍍忔満锛岄浄杈惧拰婵€鍏夊師濮嬫暟鎹互鍙婃墍鏈夋苯杞︽爣鍑嗘€荤嚎鐨勬暟鎹€傛棤缂濆拰鏃犲帇缂┿€傚湪鏁版嵁璁板綍鏈熼棿锛屽彲浠ヤ娇鐢ㄦ爣璁版爣璁扮壒娈婃儏鍐点€ Robust,Reliable use in prototypes and test vehicles. Modular with up to five capture units. Adaptable to future applications. 寮哄ぇ鐨? 鍙潬鍦扮敤浜庡揩閫熷師鍨嬪拰娴嬭瘯杞﹁締銆傛ā鍧楀寲锛屾渶澶氫簲涓崟鑾峰崟鍏冦€傞€傚簲鏈潵鐨勫簲鐢ㄣ€ 聽Basic System Recording Interfaces鍩虹绯荤粺璁板綍鎺ュ彛:
  • 4x Gbit Ethernet, RJ45 switch
  • 10x CAN (HS)
  • 4x switchable to CAN-FD
  • 1x switchable to CAN (LS)
  • 2x FlexRay
  • 4x LIN
  • 5x RS232
  • 4x Digital I/O
  • 6x Analog In
Capture Units (CU) 閲囬泦鍗曞厓

5 slots for the following optional plug-in capture unites are available 
  • CU ETH-1G
    • 4x Gbit Ethernet, RJ45 switchCaptureModule2
    • 5x 2 Single-PHY passive sniffer pairs, constant latency (1.4 渭s)
    • 1x optional switch to MAC with TCP/IP Stack, full duplex, DLT, Some/IP
  • CU CFR
    • 8x CAN (HS) 1x switchable to CAN (LS)
    • 2x FlexRay
    • 5x RS232
    • CU LVDS-926
    • CU LVDS-934
    • CU LVDS-2934
    • other deserializers on request
Removable data storage module 鍙媶鍗稿紡鏁版嵁瀛樺偍妯″潡Storage

Model鍨嬪彿 聽 Capacities瀹归噺
S2000-I 聽 聽 聽 2 TB
S4000-I 聽 聽 聽 4 TB
S8000-I 聽 聽 聽 8 TB
S16000-I 聽 聽 16 TB