B·2234澳门新葡萄娱乐场-ios/安卓/手机版app下载 /product-detail/100base-t1-sfp-module/ Fri, 26 Jul 2019 18:42:15 +0000 http://rt180725.wpvit.com/product-detail/100base-t1-usb-converter-copy/ Description The 100BASE-T1 SFP Module is the optimum solution to convert between 100BASE-T1 and SGMII. It 铿乼s into a standard Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) and generates 100 Mbit/s full-duplex 100BASE-T1. 100BASE-T1 SFP妯″潡鏄湪100BASE-T1鍜孲GMII涔嬮棿杩涜杞崲鐨勬渶浣宠В鍐虫柟妗堛€傞噰鐢ㄦ爣鍑嗙殑灏忓瀷鍙彃鎷旓紙SFP锛夛紝鍙敓鎴?00 Mbit/s鍏ㄥ弻宸?00BASE-T1銆 It configures itself to Automotive 100BASE-T1 after power up. Master/slave mode of operation can be set with the DIP switch. 瀹冨湪涓婄數鍚庨厤缃负杞﹁浇100BASE-T1銆傚彲浠ヤ娇鐢―IP寮€鍏宠缃富/浠庢搷浣滄ā寮忋€ Registers of the integrated Transceiver are accessible via I2C interface for diagnosis and recon铿乬uration. 鍙€氳繃I2C鎺ュ彛璁块棶闆嗘垚鏀跺彂鍣ㄧ殑瀵勫瓨鍣紝浠ヨ繘琛岃瘖鏂拰閲嶆柊閰嶇疆銆 It works seemlessly with our MediaGateway, which has one SFP slot. 瀹冧笌鎴戜滑鐨凪ediaGateway鏃犵紳鍏煎锛孧ediaGateway鏈変竴涓猄FP鎻掓Ы銆 However, the SFP Modules do not work in a 鈥減lug-and-play鈥 manner with any SFP-capable system. In order to set-up the SFP Modules to work in your system, you must be able to interact via I虏C and contact Broadcom (the PHY manufacturer) to receive the NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) protected PHY-register setting datasheet to initialize the phy properly. In this regard, Technica cannot support, due to NDA restrictions.鈥 浣嗘槸锛孲FP 妯″潡涓嶈兘涓庝换浣曟敮鎸 SFP 鐨勭郴缁熶互鈥滃嵆鎻掑嵆鐢ㄢ€濇柟寮忓伐浣溿€ 涓轰簡璁剧疆 SFP 妯″潡鍦ㄦ偍鐨勭郴缁熶腑宸ヤ綔锛屾偍蹇呴』鑳藉閫氳繃 I虏C 杩涜浜や簰骞惰仈绯 Broadcom锛圥HY 鍒堕€犲晢锛夋敹鍒 NDA锛堜繚瀵嗗崗璁級淇濇姢鐨 PHY 瀵勫瓨鍣ㄨ缃暟鎹〃浠ユ纭垵濮嬪寲 phy銆 瀵规锛岀敱浜庝繚瀵嗗崗璁殑闄愬埗锛孴echnica 鏃犳硶鎻愪緵鏀寔銆 Features 浜у搧鐗圭偣
  • 100BASE-T1 and SGMII converter
  • DIP switch for Master/Slave con铿乬uration
  • Supports I2C for internal register access
  • Fits into a standard SFP Slot
  • Power requirements: 3.3 Volt DC
    渚涚數锛?.3V 鐩存祦
  • Size: 68 x 14 x 14 mm
    灏哄锛?8 x 14 x 14 姣背

