B·2234澳门新葡萄娱乐场-ios/安卓/手机版app下载 /product-detail/andi/ Sun, 13 Oct 2019 14:10:02 +0000 /product-detail/cm-lin-combo-copy/ ANDi is a test and simulation environment for Ethernet electronic control units and also for the CAN/CAN-FD, LIN and FlexRay bus systems. ANDi鏄敤浜庝互澶綉鐢靛瓙鎺у埗鍗曞厓浠ュ強CAN/CAN-FD锛孡IN鍜孎lexRay鎬荤嚎绯荤粺鐨勬祴璇曞拰浠跨湡鐜銆 The ANDi environment supports electronic control unit developers with the validation of their ECU functions by means of generated residual bus simulations and intelligent message generators. A traffic viewer with signal graph display and seamless support of automotive databases (Fibex, ARXML, DBC, LDF) make it ultimately flexible and practical. Through the support of Technica Engineering and other hardware, as well as .net extensions, ANDi can be used as a powerful tool for complex ECU test and test automation. ANDi鐜閫氳繃鐢熸垚鐨勬畫浣欐€荤嚎浠跨湡鍜屾櫤鑳芥秷鎭敓鎴愬櫒锛屼负鐢靛瓙鎺у埗鍗曞厓寮€鍙戜汉鍛樻彁渚涘叾ECU鍔熻兘鐨勯獙璇侊紝浠庤€屼负浠栦滑鎻愪緵鏀寔銆 鍏锋湁淇″彿鍥炬樉绀哄拰鏃犵紳鏀寔姹借溅鏁版嵁搴擄紙Fibex锛孉RXML锛孌BC锛孡DF锛夌殑浜ら€氭煡鐪嬪櫒浣垮叾鏈€缁堝叿鏈夌伒娲绘€у拰瀹炵敤鎬с€ 閫氳繃Technica Engineering鍜屽叾浠栫‖浠朵互鍙?net鎵╁睍鐨勬敮鎸侊紝ANDi鍙互鐢ㄤ綔杩涜澶嶆潅ECU娴嬭瘯鍜屾祴璇曡嚜鍔ㄥ寲鐨勫己澶у伐鍏枫€ ANDi helps test teams to validate their ECU functions throughout the test process (planning, development, realisation and reporting). ANDi甯姪娴嬭瘯鍥㈤槦鍦ㄦ暣涓祴璇曡繃绋嬶紙璁″垝锛屽紑鍙戯紝瀹炵幇鍜屾姤鍛婏級涓獙璇佸叾ECU鍔熻兘銆 As opposed to other ECU developer tools, ANDi can be used to validate tests quickly and easily. 涓庡叾浠朎CU寮€鍙戜汉鍛樺伐鍏风浉鍙嶏紝ANDi鍙敤浜庡揩閫燂紝杞绘澗鍦伴獙璇佹祴璇曘€ ANDi is particularly 铿俥xible and user-friendly; thanks to its scope of functions, its expandability and its graphical user interface. ANDi鐗瑰埆鐏垫椿涓旂敤鎴峰弸濂斤紱 寰楃泭浜庡叾鍔熻兘鑼冨洿锛屽彲鎵╁睍鎬у拰鍥惧舰鐢ㄦ埛鐣岄潰銆侟/pre> ]]>