B·2234澳门新葡萄娱乐场-ios/安卓/手机版app下载 /product-detail/100base-t1-mediaconverter-emc/ Thu, 25 Jul 2019 18:42:41 +0000 http://rt180725.wpvit.com/product-detail/100base-t1-usb-converter-copy-copy-copy-2/ Description鎻忚堪 100BASE-T1 MEDIACONVERTER_EMC SET from Technica Engineering is the first commercial tool for EMC validation of 100BASE-T1 ECU鈥檚. It works in a pair-set, converting 100BASE-T1 (a.k.a BroadR-Reach (TM from Broadcom)) to optical fiber and back to 100BASE-T1 and is specially designed to emit below the industry鈥檚 EMI standard requirements. Technica Engineering鐨?00BASE-T1 MEDIACONVERTER_EMC SET鏄涓€娆剧敤浜?00BASE-T1 ECU鐨勭數纾佸吋瀹归獙璇佺殑宸ュ叿銆傚畠閲囩敤鎴愬璁惧锛屽皢100BASE-T1锛堜篃绉颁负 BroadR-Reach锛圔roadcom鐨凾M锛夛級杞崲涓哄厜绾ゅ苟杩斿洖100BASE-T1锛屼笓闂ㄨ璁′娇鍏舵湰韬獷MI浣庝簬琛屼笟鏍囧噯瑕佹眰銆 No packages are stored or modified in the device. The process is a pure physical layer conversion. 璁惧涓嶅瓨鍌ㄦ垨淇敼浠讳綍鎶ユ枃銆 璇ヨ繃绋嬫槸绾墿鐞嗗眰杞崲銆 100BASE-T1 MEDIACONVERTER_EMC SET is the ideal solution for working quickly and efficiently with the new 100BASE-T1 technology. 100BASE-T1 MEDIACONVERTER_EMC SET鏄娇鐢ㄦ柊鍨?00BASE-T1鎶€鏈揩閫熸湁鏁堝伐浣滅殑鐞嗘兂瑙e喅鏂规銆 Features 浜у搧鐗圭偣
  • Converts 100BASE-T1 100 MBit/s full duplex to optical fiber and back to 100BASE-T1
  • Master/slave configuration
  • Configuration DIP switches 
  • Status LEDs
  • Stainless steel housing
  • Automotive MQS connector included (Power, 100BASE-T1)
    姹借溅绾 Tyco MQS 鎺ユ彃浠迭/pre>
  • Optical Fibre via SFP modules
  • Power supply: 10 to 13 Vold DC (nominal 12 Volt DC),
  • power consumption: 3 Watt
    鍔熺巼:3 Watt
  • Size: 92 x 63 x 30mm
    灏哄锛?2 x 63 x 30 姣背
