B·2234澳门新葡萄娱乐场-ios/安卓/手机版app下载 /product-detail/1000base-t1-mediaconverter/ Fri, 26 Jul 2019 18:42:30 +0000 http://rt180725.wpvit.com/product-detail/100base-t1-usb-converter-copy-5/ Description鎻忚堪 The 1000BASE-T1 Media Converter establishes one direct point-to-point conversion between automotive ECU鈥檚 using 1000BASE-T1 and any standard Gigabit Ethernet device with RJ-45 connector. 1000BASE-T1 Media Converter鍦?000BASE-T1杞﹁浇鎺у埗鍣ㄥ拰浠讳綍甯J-45杩炴帴鍣ㄧ殑鏍囧噯鍗冨厗浠ュお缃戣澶囦箣闂村缓绔嬬洿鎺ョ殑鐐瑰鐐硅浆鎹€ No packets are stored or modified. Both 1000 Mbps and 100 Mbps modes are available with the Marvell 88Q2112 Phy. 涓嶅瓨鍌ㄦ垨淇敼鏁版嵁鍖呫€ 浣跨敤Marvell 88Q2112 Phy锛屽彲鎻愪緵1000 Mbps鍜?00 Mbps妯″紡銆 Thus, the 1000BASE-T1 Media Converter is the ideal solution for working quickly and efficiently with the new 1000BASE-T1 technology. 鍥犳锛?000BASE-T1 Media Converter鏄笌鏂板瀷1000BASE-T1鎶€鏈揩閫熼珮鏁堜氦浜掔殑鐞嗘兂瑙e喅鏂规銆 Feature
  • duplex conversion between 1000Base-T1 and 100BaseTx
    1000Base-T1鍜 100Base-Tx鐨勫叏鍙屽伐杞崲
  • Master/Slave configuration
    涓?浠 閰嶇疆
  • Configuration DIP switches
  • Status LEDs
  • Massive steel housing
  • Automotive Tyco Nano MQS connector(Power, BroadR-Reach)
    姹借溅绾 Tyco Nano MQS 鎺ユ彃浠迭/pre>
  • Standard Ethernet RJ45 connector
  • Power requirement: 8 to 16 Volt DC,
  • Power consumption: 2 Watt
  • Size: 95 x 95x 32 mm
    灏哄锛 95 x 95x 32姣背