B·2234澳门新葡萄娱乐场-ios/安卓/手机版app下载 /portfolio/emc/ /portfolio/emc/#respond Wed, 16 Oct 2019 16:28:27 +0000 /portfolio/cca-9010-copy/ As automotive ethernet pioneer, Technica Engineering released the first commercial tools for EMC validation of 100Base-T1 and 1000Base-T1 ECU, and also innovative Universal EMC device.




  • CAN/CAN-FD:聽 8璺?/li>
  • LIN:2璺?/li>
  • FlexRay:1璺?/li>
  • 100Base-T1锛?璺?/li>
  • 1000Base-T1: 1璺?/li>
  • OBD(Fast Ethernet)


/portfolio/emc/feed/ 0 浠ュお缃戜簰鎿嶄綔鎬ф祴璇旤/title> <link>/portfolio/iopt/</link> <pubDate>Wed, 04 Sep 2019 19:36:18 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://rt180725.wpvit.com/portfolio/data_logging-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy-copy/</guid> <description><![CDATA[Interoperability Tests is part of Test Scope Layer 1 of Automotive Ethernet defined by TC8 Test Specification 浜掓搷浣滄€ф祴璇曟槸Open Alliance瀹氫箟鐨凾C8娴嬭瘯瑙勮寖涓殑涓€閮ㄥ垎锛屽睘浜庣墿鐞嗗眰娴嬭瘯銆 Interoperability Tests includes following 3 aspects: 浜掓搷浣滄€ф祴璇曞寘鍚笅闈笁鏂归潰鍐呭 Link-up Time 杩炴帴鏃堕棿 Signal Quality 淇″彿璐ㄩ噺 Cable Diagnose 绾挎潫璇婃柇 鍏蜂綋鑰岃█锛屽寘鍚涓婽est Case Link-up time LINKUP_01 聽聽 Link-up time - Trigger: Power on Golden Device LINKUP_02 聽聽 Link-up time - Trigger: […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<pre>Interoperability Tests is part of Test Scope Layer 1 of Automotive Ethernet defined by TC8 Test Specification 浜掓搷浣滄€ф祴璇曟槸Open Alliance瀹氫箟鐨凾C8娴嬭瘯瑙勮寖涓殑涓€閮ㄥ垎锛屽睘浜庣墿鐞嗗眰娴嬭瘯銆 Interoperability Tests includes following 3 aspects: 浜掓搷浣滄€ф祴璇曞寘鍚笅闈笁鏂归潰鍐呭</pre> <ul> <li> <pre>Link-up Time 杩炴帴鏃堕棿</pre> </li> <li> <pre>Signal Quality 淇″彿璐ㄩ噺</pre> </li> <li> <pre>Cable Diagnose 绾挎潫璇婃柇</pre> </li> </ul> <pre>鍏蜂綋鑰岃█锛屽寘鍚涓婽est Case</pre> <ul> <li> <pre>Link-up time LINKUP_01 聽聽 Link-up time - Trigger: Power on Golden Device LINKUP_02 聽聽 Link-up time - Trigger: Power on ECU LINKUP_03 聽聽 Link-up time - Trigger: Wake up ECU </pre> </li> <li> <pre>Signal Quality SIGNAL_01 聽聽 Indicated signal quality for channel with decreasing quality SIGNAL_02 聽聽 Indicated signal quality for channel with increasing quality</pre> </li> <li> <pre>Cable diagnostics CABLE_01 聽 聽 Cable diagnostics for ground detection CABLE_02 聽 聽 Cable diagnostics for near and far end open CABLE_03 聽 聽 Cable diagnostics for near and far end short</pre> </li> </ul> <pre>Technica鎻愪緵瀹屾暣鐨勮В鍐虫柟妗堜互瀹岀編瀹炵幇杞﹁浇浠ュお缃慣C8涓殑IOP娴嬭瘯,閰嶇疆鏂规鐢变笁閮ㄥ垎缁勬垚</pre> <ul> <li> <pre>Golden Device</pre> </li> <li> <pre>ANDi Software</pre> </li> <li> <pre>ANDi-IOPT Add-on</pre> </li> </ul> <pre></pre> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title>TC8涓€鑷存€ф祴璇旤/title> <link>/portfolio/tc8/</link> <comments>/portfolio/tc8/#respond</comments> <pubDate>Wed, 04 Sep 2019 19:33:29 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://rt180725.wpvit.com/portfolio/data_logging-copy-copy-copy/</guid> <description><![CDATA[TC8 is responsible for defining test processes within that standardization body. It enables test houses to perform ECU testing by establishing regular audits of the test specifications and the requirements to increase communication quality of the Ethernet ECUs and聽networks in an automotive system. Rohde & Schwarz, Spirent Communications & Technica Engineering bring together a complete […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>TC8 is responsible for defining test processes within that standardization body. It enables test houses to perform ECU testing by establishing regular audits of the test specifications and the requirements to increase communication quality of the Ethernet ECUs and聽networks in an automotive system. Rohde & Schwarz, Spirent Communications & Technica Engineering bring together a complete package solution covering all the mandatory testing as described in the TC8 ECU Open Alliance document for both physical and protocol layers.</p> <ul> <li>Rohde & Schwarz 100/1000BASE-T1 Automotive Ethernet test solution<br /> (incl. R&S庐ScopeSuite automation software, R&S庐RTO oscilloscope and R&S庐ZND two-port VNA)</li> <li>SPIRENT Automotive Ethernet C1 or C50 TestCenter Appliance</li> <li>SPIRENT TTsuite-OPEN incl. TTworkbench Express Software<br /> (for test scope TCP/IP protocol family & test scope Automotive protocols)</li> <li>TECHNICA ENGINEERING Golden Device for IOP (Interoperability)</li> <li>ANDi Tool software package</li> </ul> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>/portfolio/tc8/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> </channel> </rss>