
Interoperability Tests is part of Test Scope Layer 1 of Automotive Ethernet defined by TC8 Test Specification 浜掓搷浣滄€ф祴璇曟槸Open Alliance瀹氫箟鐨凾C8娴嬭瘯瑙勮寖涓殑涓€閮ㄥ垎锛屽睘浜庣墿鐞嗗眰娴嬭瘯銆 Interoperability Tests includes following 3 aspects: 浜掓搷浣滄€ф祴璇曞寘鍚笅闈笁鏂归潰鍐呭 Link-up Time 杩炴帴鏃堕棿 Signal Quality 淇″彿璐ㄩ噺 Cable Diagnose 绾挎潫璇婃柇 鍏蜂綋鑰岃█锛屽寘鍚涓婽est Case Link-up time LINKUP_01 聽聽 Link-up time – Trigger: Power on Golden Device LINKUP_02 聽聽 Link-up time – Trigger: … Continue reading 浠ュお缃戜簰鎿嶄綔鎬ф祴璇旤/span>

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