Company Profile鍏徃涓€瑙 Founded 2009. 鍒涚珛浜?009骞 Located in Karlsruhe (HQ) and Munich, Germany. 鎬婚儴浣嶄簬寰峰浗鍗″皵鏂瞾鍘勶紝鍦ㄦ厱灏奸粦璁炬湁鍒嗘敮鏈烘瀯銆 Embedded test- and diagnosis solutions for the bus data communication in vehicle networks. 涓撴敞浜庤溅杞界綉缁滅殑鎬荤嚎鏁版嵁閫氫俊鐨勬祴璇曞拰璇婃柇鏂规 Related development, engineering & support services. 鐩稿叧鐨勫紑鍙戯紝宸ョ▼鍜屾敮鎸佹湇鍔 ViGEM provides high performance Data Recording and Handling Solutions , and the products and service is widely used in following domains … Continue reading ViGEM

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