
  • The Counter field in the Type 2 Entry format is used to differentiate different Subscribe Eventgroups to otherwise identical Eventgroups (i.e. same Service ID, same Instance ID, same Eventgroup ID, and same Major Version). The Counter field shall be reflected by the Server to the Subscribe Eventgroup Ack and Nack entries.
    类型2 Entry格式中的Counter字段用于将Subscribe Eventgroup和其他相同的Eventgroup进行区分(即相同的 Service ID,相同的 Instance ID,相同的Eventgroup ID和相同的Major Version )。 Counter字段应由服务器反映到Subscribe Eventgroup Ack和Nack条目。
  • If identical Consumed Eventgroups are configured with different Endpoints, then the SD shall use the Counter to differentiate the different Subscriptions. The value of the Counter can be determined by the implementation.
    如果相同的Consumed Eventgroups配置了不同的Endpoint,则SD应使用Counter去区分不同的Subscription。 Counter的值可以由具体实现来确定。
  • Note注意:
    A width of 4 bits limits this to 16 different Subscriptions to the same Eventgroup.
  • SubscribeEventgroup entries shall have the TTL field set to the configured value (configuration parameter SdClientTimerTTL of SdConsumedEventGroup) and the SubscribeEventgroupAck entry shall use the TTL value of the SubscribeEventgroup entry it acknowledges.
  • A StopSubscribeEventgroup (type 0x06), and SubscribeEventgroupNack (type 0x07) entry shall set the TTL field to 0x000000.
  • [SWS_SD_00300]⌈ Eventgroup entries shall set the Reserved fields to 0x00 and 0x000.
  • Eventgroup entries shall carry the options as configured.

OfferService entry

  • Service ID shall be set to the Service ID of the Service Instance offered.
  • Instance ID shall be set to the Instance ID of the Service Instance offered.
  • Example示例:
    ECU1 offers Service 0x1234 with Instance 0xabcd. This instance is in Main Phase. ECU2 send out find with Service ID 0x1234 and Instance ID 0xFFFF. ECU1 shall answer with Offer (Service ID 0x1234, Instance ID 0xabcd).
    ECU1提供Instance为0xabcd的Serice 0x1234。这个实例处于Main Phase。 ECU2发送带有 Service ID 0x1234和 Instance ID 0xFFFF的FindService Entry。 ECU1应使用OfferService Entry回答(Service ID 0x1234,Instance ID 0xabcd)。
  • Major Version shall be set to the Major Version of the Service Instance offered.
    Major Version应设置为所提供服务实例的Major Version 。
  • Note注意:
    Since SdServerServiceMajorVersion can be only a value up to 0xFE, the value 0xFF (any) cannot occur in an OfferService entry.
    由于SdServerServiceMajorVersion最大只能是0xFE的值,因此在OfferService Entry中不能出现值0xFF(任何)。
  • Minor Version shall be set to the Minor Version of the Service Instance offered.
  • TTL shall be set to the lifetime of the Service Instance. After this lifetime the Service Instance shall considered not been offered.
  • If TTL is set to 0xFFFFFF, the OfferService entry shall be considered valid until the next reboot.
  • OfferService entries shall always reference at least an IPv4 or IPv6 Endpoint Option to signal how the service is reachable.
    OfferService条目应始终引用至少一个IPv4或IPv6 Endpoint Option ,以表明服务如何得到。
  • For each L4 protocol needed for the service (i.e. UDP and/or TCP) an IPv4 Endpoint option shall be added if IPv4 is supported.
  • For each L4 protocol needed for the service (i.e. UDP and/or TCP) an IPv6 Endpoint option shall be added if IPv6 is supported.
  • The IP addresses and port numbers of the Endpoint Options shall also be used for transporting events and notification events.
  • In the case of UDP this information is used for the source address and the source port of the events and notification events.
  • In the case of TCP this is the IP address and port the client needs to open a TCP connection to in order to receive events using TCP.

FindService entry

  • Service ID shall be set to the Service ID of the service that shall be found.
    服务ID应设置为应找到的服务的Service ID
  • Instance ID shall be set to 0xFFFF, if all Service Instances shall be returned.
  • It shall be set to the Instance ID of a specific Service Instance, if just a single Service Instance shall be returned.
    如果仅返回一个服务实例,则应将其设置为特定服务实例的Instance ID。
  • Major Version shall be set to 0xFF, that means that services with any version shall be returned. If set to value different than 0xFF, services with this specific major version shall be returned only.
  • Note注意:
    It is expected that the Major Version on client side is configured to a specific value in normal operation since the client should look for an specific interface version. Different Major Versions are not compatible to each other.
  • Minor Version shall be set to 0xFFFF FFFF, that means that services with any version shall be returned. If set to a value different to 0xFFFF FFFF, services with this specific minor version shall be returned only.
    次要版本应设置为0xFFFF FFFF,这意味着应返回任何版本的服务。如果设置为不同于0xFFFF FFFF的值,则仅返回具有此特定次要版本的服务。
  • Note注意:
    It is expected that the Minor Version on client side is configured to 0xFFFF FFFF in normal operation since the client should accept all different Minor Versions. Different Minor Versions shall be compatible to each other.
    由于客户端应该接受所有不同的次要版本,所以希望客户端的次要版本在正常操作中配置为0xFFFF FFFF。不同的次版本应该相互兼容。
  • TTL shall be set according to the configuration.
  • If TTL is set to 0xFFFFFF, the SubscribeEventgroup entry shall be considered valid until shutdown (i.e. next reboot).
  • FindServer entries shall never reference Endpoint or Multicast Options. They shall reference configuration options, if configured to do so.
    FindServer条目不得引用Endpoint或Multicast option。他们应引用configuration options ,如果配置如此。

  • All entries concerning Services (FindService, OfferService, StopOfferService) shall be of Entry Format Type 1.
    所有service entry(FindService,OfferService,StopOfferService)都应该使用Entry Format Type 1 。
  • An Instance ID of 0xFFFF shall mean any possible instances and are not allowed for OfferService and StopOfferService entries.
    Service ID为0xFFFF表示任何可能的instance,但不允许是OfferService和StopOfferService entry。
  • FindService entries shall carry Service ID, Service Instance ID, Major Version, and Minor Version as configured in SdClientServiceID, SdClientServiceInstanceID, SdClientServiceMajorVersion, and SdClientServiceMinorVersion.
    FindService条目应包含在SdClientServiceID,SdClientServiceInstanceID,SdClientServiceMajorVersion和SdClientServiceMinorVersion中配置的 service ID,service instance ID,major version和minor version。
  • OfferService and StopOfferService shall carry Service ID, Service Instance ID, Major Version, Minor Version, and as configured in SdServerServiceID, SdServerServiceInstanceID, SdServerServiceMajorVersion, and SdServerServiceMinorVersion.
    OfferService和StopOfferService应包含Service ID,Servcie instance ID, major version,minor version以及在SdServerServiceID,SdServerServiceInstanceID,SdServerServiceMajorVersion和SdServerServiceMinorVersion中配置的内容。
  • All entries concerning Services (FindService, OfferService and StopOfferService shall carry – i.e. reference – the options as configured.
    有关service(FindService,OfferService和StopOfferService)的所有entry都应带有 – 即引用 – 所配置的option
  • A StopOfferService (type 0x01), shall carry – i.e. reference – the same options as the entries trying to stop.
    StopOfferService(类型0x01)应携带 – 即引用 – 与entry试图停止的相同的option。
  • FindService entries shall carry the TTL as configured in SdClientTimerTTL.
    FindService entry应携带在SdClientTimerTTL中配置的TTL。
  • OfferService entries shall carry the TTL as configured in SdServerTimerTTL.
    OfferService entry应携带SdServerTimerTTL中配置的TTL。
  • A StopOfferService (type 0x01) entry shall set the TTL field to 0x000000.
    StopOfferService(type 0x01)entry 应将TTL字段设置为0x000000。

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