
  • Entries can reference two runs of Options with zero to fifteen options each in order to reference additional information.
    Entries可以引用两个Option Run,每个option run有0到15个Option,以便引用附加信息。
  • Note 注意 :
    Entries support two option runs to allow referencing the same Options by different Entries. With a single option run, sharing Endpoint Options while having different Configuration Options per Entry would not have work efficiently.
    Entry支持两个option run,以允许通过不同的entry引用相同的option。 使用单个option run时,共享endpoint option,同时为每个entry配置不同的Configuration Option将无法高效工作。
  • The first option run starts with the option referenced by the field Index 1st options and references zero to fifteen options.
    first option run以Index 1st option引用的option开始,并引用0到15个option。
  • The number of options referenced by the first option run is determined by the field # of opt 1.
    first option run引用的option数量由字段# of opt 1 确定。
  • The second option run starts with the option referenced by the field Index 2nd options and references zero to fifteen options.
    Second option run以Index 2nd option引用的option开始,并引用0到15个option。
  • The number of options referenced by the second option run is determined by the field # of opt 2.
    Second option run引用的option数量由字段# of opt 2 确定。

The following table shows which Option is allowed to be carried by different Entries.

Endpoint Options (IPv4 and IPv6) Multicast Options (IPv4 and IPv6Configuration Option

SubscribeEventgroup Allowed 
StopSubscribeEventgroup Allowed 
Allowed Allowed 


Handling missing, redundant, and conflictinHandling missing, redundant, and conflicting Options处理缺失,冗余和冲突的选项

error handling concerning options referenced by entries.

  • If an entry references an unknown option, this option shall be ignored.
  • If an entry references an redundant option (option that is not needed by this specific entry), this option shall be ignored.
  • If an entry references two or more options that are in conflict, this entry shall be answered negatively or ignored if that is not possible.
  • When two different Configuration Options are referenced by an entry, the configuration sets shall be merged.
  • If the two Configuration Options have conflicting items (same name), all items shall be handled. There shall be no attempt been made to merge duplicate items.
    如果两个Configuration Option有冲突的名目(同名),则应处理所有名目。 不应该尝试合并重复的项目。

IPv4/IPv6 SD Endpoint Option

  • The IPv4 SD Endpoint Option and IPv6 SD Endpoint Option transport the endpoint (i.e. IP-Address and Port) of the senders SD implementation. This is used to identify the SOME/IP-SD Instance in cases in which the IP-Address and/or Port Number cannot be used.
    IPv4 SD Endpoint Option和IPv6 SD Endpoint Option传输发送者的一个SD实现中的Endpoint (即IP地址和端口)。在IP地址和/或端口号不能使用的情况下,本Option可用于识别SOME / IP-SD实例。
  • The IPv4 SD Endpoint Option shall only be included if the SOME/IP-SD message is transported over IPv4.
    只有在SOME / IP-SD消息通过IPv4传输时才应包含IPv4 SD端点选项。
  • The IPv4 SD Endpoint Option shall be included in any SD Options Array up to one time.
    IPv4 SD Endpoint Option在任何SD Option队列中最多包含一次。
  • The IPv4 SD Endpoint Option shall be the first option in the options array, if it exists.
    IPv4 SD Endpoint Option应该是options array中的第一个option(如果存在)。
  • If more than one IPv4 SD Endpoint Option is received, only the first shall be processed and all further IPv4 SD Endpoint Options shall be ignored.
    如果收到多个IPv4 SD Endpoint Option,则只处理第一个IPv4 SD Endpoint Option ,并忽略所有其他IPv4 SD Endpoint Option 。
  • No SD Entry shall reference the IPv4 SD Endpoint Option.
    没有SD Entry应引用IPv4 SD Endpoint Option 。
  • If the IPv4 SD Endpoint Option is included in the SD message, the receiving SD implementation shall use the content of this option instead of the Source IP Address and Source Port Number.
    如果SD 报文中包含 IPv4 SD Endpoint Option ,则接收该SD的实例,应使用此option的内容而不是源IP地址和源端口号。
  • Note注意:
    This is important for answering the received SD message (e.g. Offer after Find or Subscribe after Offer or Subscribe Ack after Subscribe) as well as the reboot detection (channel based on SD Endpoint Option and not the addresses in the message).
    这对于回答接收到的SD消息是很重要的(例如,在Find之后offer或者offer之后Subscribe或者Subscribe之后Subscribe Ack)以及reboot detection(基于SD Endpoint Option的通道而不是message中的地址)。
  • The same rules apply for IPv6 SD Endpoint Option.

IPv4/IPv6 Multicast Option

  • The IPv4 Multicast Option or IPv6 Multicast Option are used by the server to announce the IPv4 or IPv6 multicast address, the transport layer protocol (ISO/OSI layer 4), and the port number the multicast events and multicast notification events are sent to.
    服务器使用IPv4 Multicast Option或者IPv6 Multicast Option来分别通知IPv4或IPv6多播地址,传输层协议(ISO / OSI第4层)和端口号,用来作为发送多播Event和多播notification event的目的地址。
  • As transport layer protocol, only UDP is supported.
  • IPv4 Multicast Options shall be only referenced by SubscribeAck entries, describing the multicast destination IP address and port multicast events shall be sent to.
    IPv4 Multicast Options只能由SubscribeAck entry引用,描述发送多播Event的目的地IP地址和端口。
  • The Port Number field [16 bits] of the IPv4 Multicast Option Options shall carry the port number for transporting Multicast Events of the Eventgroup.
    IPv4 Multicast Option的Port Number字段[16位]应携带用于传输Eventgroup的多播Event的端口号。
  • The same rules apply for IPv6 SD Endpoint Option.

IPv4/IPv6 Endpoint Option

  • IPv4 or IPv6 Endpoint Option transports IP Address, Layer 4 Protocols (e.g. UDP or TCP), and Port Number.
    IPv4 Endpoint Option或IPv6 Endpoint Option 用来传输IP地址,第4层协议(例如UDP或TCP)和端口号。
  • When receiving a Service Discovery message offering a service and transporting an IPv4 Endpoint Option or IPv6 Endpoint Option, ECUs receiving this message can dynamically configure the Socket Adaptor for using this service by updating a Socket Connection.
    当ECU收到的Service Discovery message是offer服务并发送了IPv4 Endpoint Option或 IPv6 Endpoint Option时,则该ECU可以通过更新Socket连接来使用这个服务。
  • Every OfferService entry shall reference up to two IPv4 or Endpoint Options (up to one for UDP and up to one for TCP) that describe endpoint(s) (IP and Port) the server accepts methods on and sends events from for this service instance.
    每个OfferService entry最多应引用两个IPv4端点选项(最多一个用于UDP,最多一个用于TCP),用于描述服务器端为这个服务实例接受Method和发送Event的端点(IP和端口) 。
  • Different service instances of the same service on the same ECU shall use different endpoints, so that they can differentiated by the endpoints. Different services may share the same endpoints.
    同一ECU上相同service的不同service instance应使用不同的endpoint,以便endpoint能区分它们。不同的service可能共享相同的endpoint。
  • Every SubscribeEventgroup entry shall reference up to two IPv4 Endpoint Options (up to one for UDP and up to one for TCP) that describe(s) the endpoints (IP and Port) the client wishes to receive events. The client shall use these endpoints for sending methods as well.
  • IPv6 Endpoint Option, which is the same as the IPv4 Endpoint Option except that it transport IPv6 Addresses instead IPv4 Addresses.
XML 地图